Our Voice

Making a difference …

21-10-2020 Videoconference on moving to secondary school

We are holding an important videoconference in conjunction with SENDIASS looking at the transfer to secondary school, for the parents of children who are currently in year 6. 

There will be two sessions: 

Tuesday 20th October 10.30 am to 12 noon - book here

Wednesday 21st October - 12.30 pm to 2 pm - book here

These are for parents who want more information on choosing a secondary school for children with additional needs and expressing your preferences for children who have an EHCP (Education Health Care Plan). 

We will discuss the process, how you can get information about secondary schools and what to look out for when making decisions. 

For more information see our flyer.

We are aware that parents/carers of children with an EHCP need to submit their forms by Friday 23rd October. If you are unsure of the process or need some guidance we strongly urge you to attend these information sessions to help you make informed choices.