22-08-2020 Videos for parent carers
Our Voice has been working with Enfield's Educational Psychology Service and Mental Health Support team to produce a series of six videos for parent carers. The videos aim to support parents in creating a sense of safety, calm, connectedness, control and hope for their children. The sixth video is about how we can look after ourselves as parents and carers.
The videos are all short - between 5 and 10 minutes because we know that most parent-carers rarely get enough time to themselves!
All six videos are produced by Enfield's Educational Psychology Service and Mental Health Support team in partnership with Our Voice. We hope you find them useful!
Additional resources to support all the videos can be found on the Local Offer
Creating a sense of safety - see the video here.
This video aims to help parents think about how to help their children feel a sense of safety during the pandemic. You can also see a summary in English, Turkish or Somali.
The video refers to a book explaining Coronavirus designed specifically for primary school children, the Blob guide to Social distancing and a suggested safe place meditation.
Creating a sense of calm - see the video here
This video aims to help parents think about how to help their children feel a sense of calm during the pandemic. You can see a summary in English, Turkish or Somali.
The video makes reference to Coronavirus: a book for children, Mencap Easy Read information, Carol Gray's social story about coronavirus, safe space visualisation, Drop the anchor exercise, progressive muscle relaxation, seated yoga and Cosmic Kids Yoga.
Creating a sense of connectedness - see the video here
This video aims to parents think about how to help their children feel a sense of connectedness during the pandemic. You can see a summary in English, Turkish and Somali.
The video makes reference to 'While we can't hug' and 'The Invisible String'.
Creating a sense of control - see the video here
This video aims to parents think about how to help their children feel a sense of control during the pandemic. You can see a summary in English, Turkish and Somali
Creating a sense of hope - see the video here
This video aims to parents think about how to help their children feel a sense of control during the pandemic. You can see a summary in English, Turkish and Somali
Looking after ourselves - see the video here
This video aims to parents think about how to look after their own well-being during the pandemic. You can see a summary in English, Turkish and Somali
The video makes reference to the 30-3-30 wellbeing plan and Wellbeing plan from Learn4Mental Health.